
Put a representative image
of your project here.
Project Title Goes Here
Project team member(s): Allison Sample
Give a one-paragraph description/summary of the project, which includes information like the motivation for the project, the goals of the project, and the resulting implementation and success of the project.
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Explain the motivation for your project in terms of the educational objectives and why your haptic device is an appropriate approach.
Explain the relevant prior work in the field of haptics and provide references. These will likely be different from the references in your project proposal. Make sure to do a thorough literature search on relevant haptic devices/application.
Provide a detailed description of your project, such that another student from the class could generally re-create your project/experiment from the report if necessary. (You don't need to document every screw, but the design should be clear.) Add images and videos as needed to support the description. You can refer to downloadable drawings and code in the "Files" section (later). You should divide this section into subsections, which can vary depending on your particular project. Here is an example set of subsections:
Hardware Design and Implementation
System Analysis and Control
Demonstration / Application
Describe the results, which may include qualitative responses from users at the open house.
Future Work
Describe how your system could be tested (e.g., through experiments if you have not already done so), how it can be improved, and how it might be applied.
Here you can list any individuals or groups who helped you with your project. (e.g., another student in the class, a course assistant, or an especially helpful PRL TA). Optional, so delete this section if you aren't using it.
Code and drawings should be linked here. You should be able to upload these using the Attach command. If you aren't willing to share these data on a public site, please discuss with the instructor. Also, in this section include a link to a file with a list of major components and their approximate costs.
List the referenced literature, websites, etc. here.
Appendix: Project Checkpoints
Checkpoint 1
Here you will write a few paragraphs about what you accomplished in the project so far. Include the checkpoint goals and describe which goals were met (and how), which were not (what were the challenges?), and any change of plans for the project based on what you learned. Include images and/or drawings where appropriate, using a command like this:

Checkpoint 2
Here you will write a few paragraphs about what you accomplished in the project so far. Include the checkpoint goals and describe which goals were met (and how), which were not (what were the challenges?), and any change of plans for the project based on what you learned. Include images and/or drawings where appropriate.
Example Video: