Elliot Hawkes

Dr. Elliot Wright Hawkes
Visiting Assistant Professor, Stanford University
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara
Hawkes Group Website
Research Interests
- Growing Robots
- Soft Actuators
- Exoskeletons
- Mechanical Intelligence
- Smart materials
- Mechanism design
- Non-linear compliance,
- Smart, anisotropic, and hysteric materials
- Biomechanics
- Applying gecko-inspired adhesives to the real world--including human climbing
Quick Updates
- January 2017: "Exomuscle: An inflatable device for shoulder abduction support," accepted to ICRA 2017, lead author: Cole Simpson. Congrats Cole!
- January 2017: "Series Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (sPAMs) and Application to a Soft Continuum Robot," accepted to ICRA 2017, lead author: Joey Greer. Congrats Joey!
- January 2017: "Force and Moment Constraints of a Curved Surface Gripper and Wrist for Assistive Free Flyers," accepted to ICRA 2017, lead author: Matt Estrada. Congrats Matt!
- January 2017: "Pneumatic Reel Actuator: Design, Modeling, and Implementation," accepted to ICRA 2017, lead author: Zachary Hammond. Congrats Zack!
- January 2017: "Passive Returning Mechanism for Twisted String Actuators," accepted to ICRA 2017, lead author: Muhammad Usman. Congrats Muhammad!
- January 2017: "Design of a Compact Actuation and Control System for Flexible Medical Robots," accepted to ICRA 2017 and RAL, lead author: Tania Morimoto. Congrats Tania!
- December 2016: US Patent 9517610 Issued: "Grippers based on opposing van der Waals adhesive pads."
- December 2016: "A Multi-Modal Robot for Perching and Climbing on Vertical Outdoor Surfaces" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Check out the fun video. Congrats Morgan Pope!
- October 2016: "Fruit fly scale robots can hover longer with flapping wings than with spinning wings" published in Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Thanks to co-author David Lentink for all the help!
- October 2016: Congrats to Inrak Choi for "Best Demo," showing Wolverine Haptic Interface at UIST 2016, in Tokyo, Japan!
- September 2016: Excited to start working on our NSF NRI grant on vine robots!
- July 2016: Began as Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University in CHARM Lab.
- July 2016: Accepted position as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of California, Santa Barbara.
- June 2016: "Wolverine: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Grasping in Virtual Reality," lead author Inrak Choi, accepted to IROS 2016. Congrats Inrak!
- May 2016: 4 new provisional patents filed.
- March 2016: Stephen Colbert once again believes in the goodness of science; Spiderman IS plausible after all!

Stephen Colbert pretending to climb like Spiderman/Elliot
- February 2016: After a group from Cambridge suggested that climbing with a hand-sized area of gecko adhesive is impossible, Stephen Colbert is very disappointed because Science has ruined Spider-Man. Luckily, the Stanford Press Office filmed a response!
- January 2016: "One Motor, Two Degrees of Freedom through Dynamic Response Switching" accepted to both ICRA 2016 and RAL!
- January 2016: "Design and Implementation of a 300% Strain Soft Artificial Muscle" accepted to ICRA 2016.
- January 2016: "Free Flyer Acquisition of Spinning Objects with Gecko-Inspired Adhesives," lead author Matthew Estrada, accepted to ICRA 2016. Congrats Matt!
- December 2015: Featured in the Cosmos for Schools Physics Lesson, with a Career Profile and even a cartoon!
- October 2015: ASME 2015 Best Journal Paper Award in Bioinspired Systems and Materials for "Human climbing with efficiently scaled gecko-inspired dry adhesives."
- October 2015: With Mark Cutkosky and David Christensen, presented work on human climbing, grasping without squeezing and microrobots at swissnex Biorobots:Dissected. Photos
- October 2015: Co-author, Best Paper Award IROS 2015 for "Tactile Sensing for Gecko-Inspired Adhesion."
- September 2015: PNAS paper hits 200 citations. Google Scholar
- July 2015: Began as a Postdoctoral Scholar with Prof. Allison Okamura in Stanford's CHARM Lab.
- May 2015: Best Student Paper Award at ICRA 2015 for "Grasping without Squeezing: Shear Adhesion Gripper with Fibrillar Thin Film"
- March 2015: Invited to exhibit work at TED2015

ICRA Best Student Paper 2015: Grasping without Squeezing
Quick Links
- Human climbing in the news:
and 34 other articles.
- Human Climbing paper's ranking by Altmetrics places it in the top 5% of all articles scored by Altmetric and 1/952 of articles from Royal Society Interface.
- Curriculum Vitae
Journal Articles
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., Han, A.K., Jiang, H. and Cutkosky, M.R. "Grasping with Shear Adhesion." In Preparation (Invited to IEEE Trans. Robotics).
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., Pope, M.T., and Cutkosky, M.R. "One Motor, Two Degrees of Freedom: Leveraging Dynamic Response for State Control." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. In Review.
- Hawkes, E.W., Jiang, H., and Cutkosky, M.R. "Three-dimensional dynamic surface grasping with dry adhesives." International Journal of Robotics Research. Published online before print June 29, 2015 Doi: 10.1177/0278364915584645.
- Hawkes E.W., Eason E.V., Christensen .DL., Cutkosky M.R. 2015 "Human climbing with efficiently scaled gecko-inspired dry adhesives." Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12: 20140675. Online Preprint
- Suresh, S.A., Christensen, D.L., Hawkes, E.W., and Cutkosky, M.R., "Surface and Shape Deposition Manufacturing for the Fabrication of a Curved Surface Gripper," ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 7(2), May 2015. DOI:10.1115/1.4029492.
- Eason, E.V., Hawkes, E.W., Windheim, M., Christensen, D.L., Libby, T. and Cutkosky, M.R., "Stress distribution and contact area measurements of a gecko toe using a high-resolution tactile sensor," Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 10, no. 1, 016013, February 2015. DOI:10.1088/1748-3190/10/1/016013
- Desbiens, A. L., Pope, M. T., Christensen, D. L., Hawkes, E. W., & Cutkosky, M. R. (2014). Design principles for efficient, repeated jumpgliding. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 9(2), 25009. doi:10.1088/1748-3182/9/2/025009
- Hawkes, E.W., Eason, E.V., Asbeck, A.T., and Cutkosky, M.R., "The Gecko's Toe: Scaling directional adhesives for climbing applications," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 518-526, April 2013.DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2012.2209672
- Stirling, L., Yu, C., Hawkes, E.W., Miller, J., Wood, R.J., Goldfield, E., and Nagpal, R. "Applicability of shape memory alloy wire for an active, soft orthotic." J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 20.4 (2011) : 658–662.
- Paik, J. K., Hawkes, E.W., and Wood, R.J. "A novel low-profile shape memory alloy torsional actuator." Smart Materials and Structures 19.12 (2010) : 125014.
- Nagy, Z., Harada, K., Fluckiger, M., Susilo, E., Kaliakatsos, I.K., Menciassi, A.,Hawkes, E.W., Abbott, J.J., Dario, P., and Nelson, B.J. "Assembling Reconfigurable Endoluminal Surgical Systems: Opportunities and Challenges," Int'l Journ. of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics (IJBBR), 1.1 (2008) : 3.
- Hawkes, E.W., An, B., Benbernou, N., Tanaka, H., Kim, S., Demaine, E., Rus, D., and Wood, R. J. "Programmable matter by folding." Proceedings of the Nat'l Academy of Sciences of the United States. 107.28 (2009) : 12441-12445. http://www.pnas.org/content/107/28/12441.full
Refereed Conference Articles
- Estrada, M., Hockman, B., Bylard, A., Hawkes, E.W., Cutkosky, M.R., and Pavone, M. "Free-Flyer Acquisition of Spinning Objects with Gecko-Inspired Adhesives." 2016 IEEE Int'l Conf. Robotics and Automation. In review.
- Wu, X.A., Suresh, A.S., Jiang, H., Ulmen, J., Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., and Cutkosky, M.R. "Tactile Sensing for Gecko-Inspired Adhesion." IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Robotics and Automation (IROS). (2015). Best Paper Award.
- Jiang, H., Pope, M., Estrada, M., Edwards, B., Cuson, M., Hawkes, E.W., and Cutkosky, M.R. "Perching Failure Detection and Recovery with Onboard Sensing," Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (2015).
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., and Okamura, A.M. "300% Strain Pneumatic Artificial Muscle." IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation 2016. In Review.
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., Han, A.K., Jiang, H. and Cutkosky, M.R. "Grasping without Squeezing: Shear Adhesion Gripper with Fibrillar Thin Film," IEEE/ICRA 2015 Best Student Paper Award
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., and Cutkosky, M.R., "Vertical Dry Adhesive Climbing with a 100x Bodyweight Payload," IEEE/ICRA 2015.
- Christensen, D.L., Hawkes, E.W., and Cutkosky, M.R., "µTugs: Enabling Microrobots to Deliver Macro Forces with Controllable Adhesives," IEEE/ICRA 2015.
- Jiang, H., Hawkes, E.W., Arutyunov, V., Tims, J., Fuller, C., King, J.P., Seubert, C., Chang, H.L., Parness, A., and Cutkosky, M.R., "Scaling Controllable Adhesives to Grapple Floating Objects in Space," IEEE/ICRA 2015.
- Eason, E.V., Hawkes, E.W., Windheim, M., Christensen, D.L., Libby, T. and Cutkosky, M.R., "Adhesive Stress Distribution Measurement on a Gecko," Living Machines 2014.
- Estrada, M.A., Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., and Cutkosky, M.R., "Perching and Crawling: Design of a Multimodal Robot," IEEE ICRA 2014. Best Paper Finalist
- Jiang, H., Pope, M.T., Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., Estrada, M.A., Parlier, A., Tran, R., and Cutkosky, M.R., "Modeling the Dynamics of Perching with Opposed-Grip Mechanisms," IEEE/ICRA 2014.
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L., Eason, E.V., Estrada, M.A., Heverly, M., Hilgemann, E., Jiang, H., Pope, M.T., Parness, A., and Cutkosky, M.R., "Dynamic Surface Grasping with Directional Adhesion," IEEE/RSJ IROS 2013, Nov. 2013.
- Hawkes, E.W., Ulmen, J., Esparza, N., and Cutkosky, M.R. "Scaling Walls: Applying Dry Adhesives to the Real World." IEEE IROS 2011, San Francisco, Sept. 2011.
PhD Thesis
- Hawkes, E. W., "Applying Dry Adhesives to the Real World," Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 2015.
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L, Pope, M.T., and Cutkosky, M.R. "Velocity-dependent magnetic averaging for one-way clutch." US Provisional Application No. 61924140 filed January 6, 2014, application for non-provisional patent filed January 6, 2015.
- Hawkes, E.W., Eason, E.V., Christensen, D.L, and Cutkosky, M.R. "Device for Human Climbing with Gecko Inspired Dry Adhesives," (No. 61/984,946, Provisional).
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L, and Cutkosky, M.R. "A method of enabling anisotropic directional dry adhesion enabling a simple one degree of freedom climbing robot," (No. 62/103184, Provisional).
- Hawkes, E.W., Christensen, D.L, and Cutkosky, M.R. "Shear Controlled Dry Adhesive Film," (No. 62/103165, Provisional).
- Christensen, D.L, Hawkes, E.W., and Cutkosky, M.R. "Enhancing ground reaction forces substantially beyond friction using dry adhesives," (No. 62/103175, Provisional).
- Hawkes, E.W., Choi, K.J., Wood, R.J. "Multi-segmented spine with integrated actuation," No. 12/784,899, US20100295417A1.
- ME 161/261 with Prof. Paul Mitiguy
- Guest lecturer for ME 310: Design Innovation
Awards and Honors
- Best Student Paper Award, IEEE ICRA 2015
- Nominated for 2015 Best Paper Award in Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems
- Invited to exhibit Human Climbing work at TED2015 in Vancouver.
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, 2012-2014
- Best Conference Paper Award Finalist Co-author, IEEE ICRA 2014
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship, 2009-2012
- Phi Beta Kappa, 2009
- Rhodes Scholarship Finalist, 2008
- Research Experience for Undergraduates recipient, 2007
- Herschel Smith Undergraduate Research Award, 2008
- First Place and new Harvard school record, Model Bridge Contest (5400lbs.), 2007

- Bike racing Stanford Cycling Team, Metromint Cycling Team
- Guitar, Hiking, Bonsai, Frisbee, Yoga with Hattie Bluestone HB Yoga
Elliot W. Hawkes
Post Doctoral Researcher
Mechanical Engineering
418 Panama Mall
MERL Bldg 02-660, Rm 128
Stanford, CA 94305