Lab News 2017-18
August 31, 2018
Allison (as well as fellow ME faculty member John Dabiri and School of Education collaborator Jo Boaler) is featured in the Stanford commercial this year!
August 24, 2018
Undergraduates participating in the Mechanical Engineering Department's SURI (Summer Undergraduate Research Institute) and other programs presented posters today about their research projects. Thank you to Tita Kanjanapas, Tiger Sun, and Sadie Cutler (from BYU) for doing research in our lab this summer!

August 8, 2018
Sean Sketch's research on proprioception is featured on the Stanford School of Medicine blog.
August 7, 2018
Allison is featured on Stanford's Meet Our Faculty website.
June 20, 2018
Heather Culbertson, current assistant professor in computer science at USC and former CHARM postdoctoral scholar and research engineer, is featured on the USC School of Engineering page ( for the haptic device she developed with researchers at Stanford and in collaboration with Facebook. Check out the article to learn more about her work pertaining to social touch and using haptics to mimic human touch.
Congratulations Heather!
November 17, 2017
We attended the annual Bay Area Robotics Symposium (BARS). Those of us who stuck around after the symposium had nice dinner at Vik's Chaat House.