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Welcome to the ME23N Class Project Website.

By following the links below, you can find details on the individual projects completed as part of ME23N: Soft Robots for Humanity at Stanford University in Fall Quarter 2019. The main course webpage is here: http://web.stanford.edu/class/me23n/.

Emma and Tomas - Hand Mobilizer

Angelo and Brian - Underwater Gripper

Huy and Cherié - The Protective Trapper : Venus Fly Trap Inspired Soft Robot

Leena and Alana - Interactive Stress/Rehabilitation Ball

Youngju and Nick - iiPillow: the intelligent inflatable Pillow

Nadin and Sochima - Pneumatic Leg Band for Navigation to Assist the Visually Impaired

Josue and Senkai - Transformable Bike Helmet

Ellie and Caroline - Silicone Worm Robot

For students in the class: Sample project wiki page